Bronx High School for Law & Community Service
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Below, you can contact teachers, administrators, and guidance counselors at Bronx Law.
Click on the person's name to send an e-mail.
Michael Barakat, Principal's Instagram
Guidance Counselors
Angelique Pierre, 12th Grade Guidance Counselor
Yudelka Ramirez, College Counselor
Mildres Reyes, 9th Grade Guidance Counselor
Yanirys Sosa, 10th & 11th Grade Guidance Counselor
Support Staff
Jhoselyn Almonte, School Secretary
Rebecca Diker, Community Associate
Melika Vasquez, Community Assistant
Arts Department
Peter Killelea, Art Teacher
Jon LaTona, Music Teacher
English Department
Michael Baxter
Robert Blakslee
Adrian Brooks
Jackie del Nido
Jennifer Heredia
English as a New/Second Language Department
Jessica Faugno
Kim Hudson
Spanish Department
Gabriela Sanchez
Monica Vargas
Social Studies Department
Alexander Corey
Nicole Fernandez
Barney Giannone
Aaron Jacobs
Griffin Mayhew
Alyssa Singh
Mathematics Department
Hyehwa Civetta
Christopher Hanford
Jason Leblang
Josephine Opoku
Chaunte Thompson
Science Department
Josephina Aguilera
Trevor Brown
Nadine Dubuche
Arnold Gozalo
Phillip Perry
George Tsepetis
Michael Barakat, Principal
Meredith Phelan, Assistant Principal
Marc Niebergall, Assistant Principal
School Store
Social Media
Bronx Law On The Web and In the News!
Records & Transcript Requests
Documents and Downloads